Tuesday, July 12, 2005

From C++ to Objective-C

Them that developed those two had the same goal - to create an Object Oriented Language using most of the features of 'C', if not using it as a base itself. Now the problem is, both were inspired by two different languages, C++ from 'Simula 67' and Objective-C from Smalltalk. As we're using "the Mac OS X Objective-C application development framework—Cocoa", it only makes sense for us to learn the language first. That canot be avoided, but the one thing the OCCMA* likes best is the amount they get to critisize it. Actually its more the tutorial thats to blame, not the language. There have been times when after reading a topic, all we conclude is that plumbing is very important to buildings. Jokes apart, Objective-C does seem to be quite a nice language now that we're begginning to understand more and more of it. Its a lot more dynamic than C++ and has wonderful features like representing a Class as an object of the Class class. Yes, that does make sense and is helpful.
Though reading C++ code might seem comparatively easy to us today, thankfully Objective-C code is much more easier to read due to the use of complete words with an 'NS' prefix here and there. The transition is happening, and hopefully the OCCMA will soon outperform what C++ limited them from.

*Objective-C Class Member Association. Official tagline - "Awake from Nib".



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